
Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to Overcome Loss in share Trading

As i mentioned in the previous posts risk is involved in trading business, you earn big profits and some times you will loose too so how to manage such loss...

  • Take a break and analyse what had happened. Find out what you had done wrong and make changes in your trading strategies and approach to the market. Re-enter the market with new strategies.

  • Refocus and spent time away from trading to work on other aspects of my life and career. Try to understand on the things which you can control and things which you cannot.
  • Loss is always painful. but there is no gain without pain, try to find the mistakes and make sure the same mistakes wont happen again. be motivated. don't depend completely on trading focus on your career.

Initially it will be depressing, and initially you may not be able to handle your depressed feelings well. Depressed feelings are a normal response to loss: the loss of money, the loss of dreams. Sometimes you have to go through that loss before you can come out the other side as a different person, one who has learned from the experience.

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