
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Instruments traded in the stock markets Part I - Stock Market FAQs

Instruments traded in the stock markets
There are various types of instruments in the stock market. They include Shares, Mutual Funds, IPO's, Futures and Options.
  • Why would I choose stocks?
Stocks are a share of ownership of a company. Thus one has great potential to receive monetary benefits when one own stock shares. Owning stocks of fundamentally strong companies simply lets your money work harder for you since they appreciate in value over a period of time while also offering rich dividends on a periodic basis.
  • How can I track stocks?
Tracking stocks lets you gain from the best stock opportunities available in the market while also letting you know how the stocks in your portfolio are performing. The Portfolio Tracker Section lets you regularly monitor your portfolio.
  • Where do I buy stock?
Stock trading happens on Stock Exchanges, but one cannot individually buy stocks off the exchange. To do so, you need to find a suitable broker who will understand your needs and buy stocks on your behalf. You can think of them as agents who will conduct transactions for you without actually owning any of the securities themselves. In exchange for facilitating or executing a trade, brokers will charge you a commission.
Some of the orders that can place
Different orders such as Market orders, Limit Orders, Stop Loss Orders, Cover Orders, After Market Orders (AMO'S), Normal Orders etc.
  • What is a Market Order?
A market order is an order to buy or sell a stock at the current market price. It signals your broker to execute the order at the best price currently available. However, as market prices keep changing, a market order cannot guarantee a specific price.
  • What is a Limit Order?
To avoid buying or selling a stock at a price higher or lower than you wanted, you need to place a limit order rather than a market order. A limit order is an order to buy or sell a security at a specific price. You could use a limit order when you want to set the price of the stock. If  you want to sell/buy particular share at a price other than the Current Market Price. However, a limit order guarantees a price but cannot guarantee execution of the trade, because the share might not reach the desired price on that particular trading day owing to Market related factors.
  • What is a Stop Loss Order?
A stop loss order is a Normal order placed with a broker to sell a security when it reaches a certain predetermined price Trigger Price. Sometimes the market movements defy your expectations. Such market reversals often result in loss bearing transactions. The stop loss trigger price is your defence mechanism- an amount at which you will be able to sustain yourself against such unanticipated market movements. Your stop loss instruction is an order to sell when the price of contracts reaches a pre-determined level - the trigger price. Naturally, this price cannot be more than the price of the stock you are trading.For eg. 
If you bought a stock at Rs 100, you place a stop loss order with your broker to sell it, if it reaches Rs 97. This helps you prevent further loss, in the eventuality that the price of the stock might dip even further. Thus, it helps limit your loss or protect unrealized profits, whichever the case.Good-till-canceled (GTC) or Day Order Or Normal Orders 
Day orders are orders given to your broker that hold true only during the period of the trading day for which the orders have been given. If the order has not been executed on that day, it will not be passed on to the next trading day. Thus they are orders that are only "good until it is cancelled" or "good for the day" or "inter-day".For eg.
You place a stop loss order with your broker to sell a stock, if its price reaches to level X. Now, if it does not reach limit X, your broker will not sell the stock. 
However, the stop loss order given to your broker will not hold true for the next day. For, even if the stock reaches level X on Day 2, he will not execute the trade till you instruct him to do so again. 
  • What is an annual report and why is it useful to investors?
An annual report provides a company's shareholders with information about its operations. This is an obligation by law. This is extremely beneficial to investors because it helps make informed decisions.

The report tells you how well the company is doing while also forecasting its future earnings and dividends.

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